

Ningbo HIPER Technologies Co., Ltd. is committed to basic research on materials and providing innovative solutions to the industry.


In our corporate culture, humanistic spirit and humanistic care are indispensable elements. We are committed to creating a comfortable, safe and passionate working environment for every employee. We always regard employees as the most important assets, provide them with a better working environment and treatment, and provide them with more growth and Development opportunities.

We have been working hard to pay attention to and support the development of engineering culture through various channels. We encourage employees to actively participate in various technical exchange activities and share their experiences and insights. We encourage employees to respect and trust each other, and to continuously improve their personal abilities in teamwork. At the same time, we also pay attention to the balanced development of employees and encourage team members to explore various possibilities in life after work.

We know the importance of good health to life. In our office area, two fitness areas are specially set up, which are equipped with advanced and scientific fitness equipment, such as treadmills, elliptical machines, etc. It aims to encourage employees to actively participate in fitness activities, improve their physical fitness, work in a state full of passion and happiness, and jointly promote the development of the company. We will continue to be committed to improving employee benefits and quality of life, allowing employees to create more valuable jobs, and accompany them to grow together.

Research Achievements

HIPER has achieved many achievements in the powder metallurgy industry, including online control of the temperature distribution of the entire furnace and keeping the temperature difference between the highest and lowest temperature within 2 degrees Celsius. Nearly 20 machines developed in the past ten years have helped the company to improve its experience in the production and design of different equipment such as temperature field control and pressure control. At the same time, Zero Lab, established by HIPER in 2016, has also made outstanding contributions in material research.

HIPER was established
MIM vacuum furnace market share reaches 80%
Early layout of semiconductor industry for technology reserve
Stepping beam type continuous furnace mass production
Launched vacuum degreasing sintering furnace for 3D printing
Involved in semiconductor industry
Moved into new factory and launched heat treatment furnace

Global Network

China Ningbo HIPER Technologies Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)

No.365 Xinxing Yi Road,Cixi Emerging Industrial Clusters,Cixi,Zhejiang,China.

Tel: 86-0574-58013080

Fax: 86-0574-58013081

Japan Pacific sowa corporation

Address: 1-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Phone: Ryuuta Suzuki +81(0)3-4243-1221 Email: suzuki-r@pacificsowa.co.jp

Fax: +81(0)3-4243-1221

China South China Technical Service Center

Contact: Xiang Wei Mobile: +86-15990511581 Email: wei.xiang@hiper.cn

Japan K.K. New metals and chemicals corporation

Contact: Masanobu Katsuse Mobile: +81-3-5202-5610 E-mail: mkatsuse@newmetals.co.jp

Global Service Center

Contact: David Zou Mobile: +86-13567416699 Email: xiangwei.zou@hiper.cn

HIPER Philosophy

Honesty, integrity, respect for the individual, and innovation based on technology

Contact Us

China Ningbo HIPER Technologies Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)

No.365 Xinxing Yi Road,Cixi Emerging Industrial Clusters,Cixi,Zhejiang,China.

Tel: 86-0574-58013080

Fax: 86-0574-58013081

Metal Powder Injection Molding Division

Contact: Mr. Zhou Mobile: +86-13586786142 E-mail: bin.zhou@hiper.cn

Semiconductor Division

Contact: David Zou Mobile: +86-13567416699 E-mail: xiangwei.zou@hiper.cn

Overseas business department

Contact: Mr. Xu Mobile: +86-18067150331 Email: mingyang.xu@hiper.cn

Contact Human Resources (Join HIPER)

联系人:潘小姐   手机:18258741942   邮箱:hr@hiper.cn

Online Message

Social Media